UDAAN 2- Session 2

July 10, 2021

The second session of UDAAN chapter-2 was held on July 10, 2021 in the topic "I am Enough" via zoom meet from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm in the presence of about 25 of us.


UDAAN is a peer to peer self development group of adolescent girls and boys that provides them with a safe platform to share their stories and experiences. We share, listen, reflect, and act upon major learnings from the platform. We learn to speak up and share stories to the group which is relatable to almost all adolescent girls and boys.


Our moderator for the session was Mr. Shailendra Dhungel. He finished his bachelors in Chinese language and culture from Sichuan Normal University and is currently working in Aviation Industry Cooperation of China. His interest in Social Entrepreneurship, Education and Management made him a perfect moderator for us. Also his friendly and intellectual personality made him the perfect moderator for the session.


We altogether had 4 speakers who shared their stories and experiences-


- Our first speaker shared an inspiring story of him from being a bully to a leader. He said that he was bullied for having bad vocals, his failures and other hardships but he answered them all with a big personal development. He is now the present President of Junior Jaycees, Dharan.


- Due to her preparation class she missed the session but she wanted her story to be shared among us. So I personally shared her story exactly as he explained to me in the session. As she explained to me, she never had many friends in her childhood. She just had one friend close to her who was her bench mate. She always felt like she was the one incapable or incomplete about not having many friends. She said that she feels afraid that she'll lose her friends even today.


-Our next speaker shared a story about how she was not confident in herself. She was not confident about her essays and answers so she used to cut her answers all the time. Until one teacher said that it was good. She even used to drop things halfway so much because she thought she was not good enough for that particular work. Even when people compliment her, she used to think it was a lie.


-Our last speaker of the session explained how a single question changed her life and perspective on herself. In one of the competitions, she was asked how much she'd rate herself. Out of nervousness she replied that she rates herself 4 out of 10. So the judge said if she is not confident in herself or if she doesn't rate herself 10 out of 10 then no one will. This statement made her feel she was enough.


After hearing all of us, Shailendra sir made us realize the importance of thinking oneself enough and it's necessity in one's life. He explained that it was the backbone for a successful life. He gave us more suggestions which can be listed as:

i) Surrounding myself with a motivating and encouraging friend circle.

ii) Working out on oneself. 

iii) Being confident about self. 

iv) Ignoring negative comments and focusing on self development.


We were very happy and fortunate to listen to him and each other. The program successfully ended with the presence of about 25 participants. Looking forward to more wonderful sessions. Written By - Aashish Baraily (Chapter Coordinator)


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